Latest changes27/10/13 Pruning of outdated information and latest MCG News added. Sitemap refreshed 06/08/13 Diamond Anniversary details and latest MCG News added. 12/06/13 Update and tidy up of many sections. 11/06/13 Upper Flood Digs page updated (by Tim Francis) Upper Flood Digs 10/06/13 New HTML version of Upper Flood Survey Upper Flood Survey added to the Surveys page 16/04/13 Newsletter 370 added to the members area 19/12/12 New PDF version of Upper Flood Survey Upper Flood Survey added to the Surveys page 17/12/12 Newsletters 368 and 369 added to the members area 15/02/12 New version of MCG membership application form added to the forms and leaflets page 15/02/12 Pro rata subs table amended (due to increase in BCA subs)on the forms and leaflets page 15/02/12 MCG 2012 membership list and list of MCG cave leaders added to the Members area (protected directory, password required to access documents) 19/01/12 Booking form for Annual Dinner 2012 18/01/12 Newsletter 367 added to the members area 14/01/12 Added public version of MCG News 366 May 2011 to newsletters page 12/01/12 Rebuilt the Members Section of website (password required for archives) 27/11/11 Added details of the Upper Flood Swallet Guest Warden scheme and application form 15/05/11 Newsletter 366 added to the members area 10/05/11 2006 AGM minutes added (restricted-access, members only) 10/05/11 Page added for archive of General Meetings documents (restricted access, members only). So far, only with documents from 2002-2006 but others will be added later 10/05/11 Membership list and Leaders list added (restricted access, members only) 25/04/11 A restricted access section has been set up, with a full archive of MCG Newsletters for members-only 28/04/11 The newsletter archive (open access) has been brought up to date with the addition of issues 360 to 365 23/04/11 Write ups of the April 2011 Beginners Weekend added to the Beginners Page 12/04/11 Added Bif's photos of Yorks 2011 05/04/11 Added new version of Spain 2011 prospectus and updated links from the trips page and abroad page 04/04/11 Added a better survey of Sima GESM here - and click image to get full survey 24/03/11 Updated the Gift Aid form 23/03/11 Added Coahuila 1994 report 23/03/11 Added Lechuguilla 1994 report 23/03/11 Added Occasional Publication 2 23/03/11 Added Czechoslovakia 1991 report 20/03/11 Added link to Chartreuse 1995 on the abroad page 20/03/11 Updated the history page and repaired broken links to MCG surveys on MCRA site 19/03/11 Added Occasional Publication 3 MCG en Chartreuse 1995 18/03/11 Repaired the broken links to MCRA surveys on the surveys page (after MCRA moved the surveys to a new website) 16/03/11 Korea 2008 added 15/03/11 Added the Bone Hole survey 14/03/11 Added Tenerife 2010 report 12/03/11 Updated the link to CHERT on the links page 11/03/11 Added Miguel's plans for Spain 2011 11/03/11 Added report of Spain 2010 03/03/11 Brought the latest news page up to date and added MCG News issues 363 and 364 20/02/11 Latest version of Upper Flood Swallet survey added 29/01/11 New version of Cottage Guidlines leaflet uploaded 29/01/01 Uploaded the latest Full Membership form 29/01/11 Moved Spain 2010 to a new page from the Trips page and linked to Trips abroad page 29/01/11 Added Mike Moxon's 2011 UFS calendar 29/01/11 Updated front page - length and depth of Upper Flood Swallet 10/11/10 Added Annual Dinner and Notice of AGM 2011 (see also) 05/11/10 Updated the Constitution and AGM Nomination Form 26/07/10 Updated the recent news and newsletter pages 26/07/10 Added MCG News issues 361 and 362 14/06/10 Added a link to CHERT 09/06/10 Removed the Mexico 2000 page due to a copyright claim from another website 09/06/10 Added UBSS 3d survey of Upper Flood and associated caves 21/04/10 Following an AGM vote, changed the age at which people may join MCG from 16 to 18 in the footers on every web page (192+ changes!) 11/04/10 Julie Hesketh's trip report for Jamaica 2009 11/04/10 Newsletter 360 added 11/04/10 Info about car parking added to documents section (Please don't park on grass verge at Nordrach House) 11/04/10 edited the cottage page - took out unnecessary details of fire alarm and moved other content around. Also added link to car parking info 21/03/10 html version of Journal No 1 added 20/03/10 BCA child protection policy uploaded 20/03/10 Added more surveys 16/03/10 html version of Occ Pub 5 (50th anniversary publication) added 12/03/10 Added Google Streetview of cottage on Location page 11/03/10 Expanded the info on the Charity page (sourced from MCG News 349) 06/03/10 Updated the history page with items from Feb newsletter 06/03/10 New section on the History of Upper Flood Swallet added. Actually, this was added on 14/02/10 but was omitted from this update page. This is a html version of the MCG display produced by Martin Rowe for Hidden Earth 2008 (Otley) and adapted for Hidden Earth 2009 (Churchill) 22/02/10 Created an RSS feed for website changes 14/02/10 Added a section on the forms and leaflets page for documents relating to Trustees 14/02/10 Declaration of eligibility for newly appointed trustees (i.e for members elected or co-opted to committee posts) 13/02/10 HTML version of Occasional Publication 4 - Upper Flood Swallet, Exploration to 1996 added 11/02/10 Added Mendip Geology at BGS website on the links page 10/02/10 Added Annual Dinner booking form (word doc) 05/02/10 Added a page for MCG cave surveys 02/02/10 Updated the history page 12/01/10 Added photos of cottage games 12/01/10 Updated the news page and added web-versions of newsletters MCG357, MCG358, MCG359 07/12/09 Added latest Upper Flood Swallet survey to the surveys page 07/11/09 Created MCG News archive page in members section 04/11/09 Added Flickr page to the members section 12/10/09 Added timelapse survey of Upper Flood Swallet 11/10/09 Created a Flickr pool for Upper Flood and the Blackmoor area (can also be seen as slideshow on the photos page) 09/10/09 Minor corrections to the Cottage Leaflet 09/10/09 Added Postcode and Google Earth placemark to Cottage Location 07/10/09 New layout for front page. Added frame showing slideshow from the Flickr pool photos 29/09/09 Minor changes to the cottage page (non-cavers can use cottage) 28/09/09 MCG: winners of Best Club Stand at Hidden Earth - New front page 21/09/09 Restored after domain name transfer (previously we had 2 accounts and these have been merged into one account with 2 domain names), and restored the email accounts 21/09/09 Added an external links page 20/09/09 Added 5-day weather forecast (Bristol) to home page 19/09/09 History updated 19/09/09 Added correct version of Constitution(as amended by EGM 2007) on documents page 08/09/09 Added a few more archive newsletters (2005). These are "web versions" without address, phone or email details 01/09/09 Added Spain 2010 to the Trips page 01/09/09 Added Spain 2010 presentation 01/09/09 Added Info about Spain 2010 on the forms and leaflets page 12/07/09 Added latest news 12/07/09 Updated the forms and leaflets page (put in alphabetical order etc) 07/07/09 Updated the Training Trip (Full membership form) and Tackle Access 21/06/09 Updated the trips page 18/06/09 Created new email address for Caving Secretary 18/06/09 Changed "meets" for "trips" throughout the website at request of Caving Secretary 18/06/09 Added notes on how Bill creates the Upper Flood overlays from Ben's surveys 17/06/09 Updated Concise History (added 2005 to 2009) 17/06/09 Minor changes to several pages: home page cave leaders about mcg Gift Aid Occ Pub 4 17/06/09 Changed the masthead to 1000px and centered, rather than 100percent and stretched to fit 15/06/09 Added new content to the beginners page 14/06/09 Deleted the html table on the UFS digs page and replaced it with a Google Docs spreadsheet 14/06/09 Changed the latest newsletter page 14/06/09 Added instructions for the fire alarm to the documents page and linked from the cottage page 14/06/09 Added more newsletters to the archives 12/06/09 Tweaked the spreadsheets on the cottage availability and meets program pages 09/06/09 Made changes to the home page 09/06/09 The UFS survey page has been updated to use Ben's cracking new survey (thanks to Bill Chadwick for google maps stuff!!) 06/06/09 Multi-fuel stove instructions added to forms and leaflets page 06/06/09 Updated the Cottage page with details of new stove 18/05/09 Added Stefan Marjoram's GB photos 17/05/09 Added Paul Deakin's 1985 photos - Midnight Streamway discovery 17/05/09 Added photos of Blackmoor Swallet/Shaft 1960s 17/05/09 Added photos of Stainsbys Oct 2008 and Upper Flood conservation 1998 05/05/09 Facebook page and link added 01/04/09 Due to a change by Google, corrections made to scripts on the survey pages here and here to get them to work again 31/03/09 Added a page to redirect vistors who are seeking commercial caving services 15/03/09 Updated the Cottage Guidance leaflet 15/03/09 Experimented with Apture on front page - look for the movie icon next to the Neverland link 15/03/09 Changed cottage fees to 5.00/2.50 on various page 08/02/09 Added Mike Moxon's photos of the snow 06/02/09 MCG Committee Forum created 28/01/09 Changed the social events page and added 2009 Annual Dinner menu 10/01/09 Created Google Docs spreadsheet for meets 08/01/09 New version of Gift Aid form uploaded 28/12/08 Added (first part of) 2009 meets program 23/12/08 Cottage fees increased to £5 guests/£2.50 members 30/09/2008 updated meets program 17/09/09 Added Tim Francis's Argentina Lave Caves presentation, given to the Volcano Speleology Conference in Korea, Sep 2008 09/09/08 Photos of Breakthrough in Stainsby's Shaft added 09/09/08 Photo of the month album added 21/08/08 added pictures of the ACG hut being moved in 1976 18/08/08 Added Battery Swallet album 01-18/08/08 major redesign of the photos index and reorganisation of all photos into albums powered by Jalbum software 23/07/08 Richard Carey's report on Argentina 2004 and Tim Francis's report on Austria 2001 added 15/07/08 Photos of the dig in Upper Flood passage (1980's) added 15/07/08 Added Biff's photos of the ladder being installed in Stainsby's Shaft, Nov 2007 13/07/08 Added more photos of Roman Rake by Mark Ward 07/07/08 Created a Google Docs spreadsheet for the Cottage Bookings page (can be updated directly by the Bookings Secretary) 30/06/08 Added site search to front page 29/06/08 Added links to Bill Chadwick's photos on Filkr 29/06/08 Latest photos of Roman Rake added 27/06/08 Added more of Burt's photos of Upper Flood 27/06/08 More Upper Flood photos added 27/06/08 Added Tim's 2006 Hidden Earth presentation 26/06/08 Added Tim's Upper Flood Swallet slideshow 26/06/08 Minor changes to home page and new members page 26/06/08 Added Slovenia 2004 presentation 26/06/08 Added more content to Argentina 2006 26/06/08 Added MCG AGM 2002 presentation (Argentina) 25/06/08 Added Argentina 2003 24/06/08 Moved the HE slideshow to a new page 24/06/08 Added Argentina 2002 (also available in Spanish version) 24/06/08 Added Argentina 2000 23/06/08 Added Bill Chadwick's Stainsby's Shaft photos 23/06/08Uploaded Mark Ward's Roman Rake photos 21/06/08 Added table showing subs (pro rata for date joining) 21/06/08 Created a page for results of dowsing exercises 21/06/08 Added Tim Francis' 2005 Hidden Earth Powerpoint presentation - MCG Argentina 2000-2004 works in IE only - not compatible with Firefox (unless someone can tell me how to write the source code?) 13/06/08 Changed the page on caving abroad and added pages for Greece 2002 Argentina 2006 Argentina 2001 Mexico 2000 Austria 2000 10/06/08 Added link on digs page to Bill's digs page on Google Earth 10/06/08 Changed surveys page to include Bill Chadwick's Upper Flood pinned photos and digs pages 09/06/08 Added link on Photos page to Bill Chadwick's "Pin a Photo on the Upper Flood Survey" 09/06/08 Constitution (PDF and Word versions) added to forms and leaflets page 09/06/08 Added Mendip 2008 photos 09/06/08 Created a page for social photos 31/05/08 Added link on survey page to Shetland Attack Pony 31/05/08 Split the latest news page into recent news and old news 30/05/08 Training trip (full membership) form added to forms and documents page 30/05/08 Added Richard D's Upper Flood photos 30/05/08 Added latest Upper Flood survey 27/05/08 Improved navigation for other photos page 27/05/08 Added links on photo page to Phillipa Glanvill's 2007 photos of Upper Flood 26/05/08 Uploaded Bill Chadwick's Upper Flood overlay 26/05/08 Added links on photo page to Pete Glanvill's 1986 photos of Upper Flood 26/05/08 Added links on photo pages to more of Rob Eavis Upper Flood Swallet photo set on Flickr 10/05/08 Added more Upper Flood photos (Streamway Regained and Wall Street) 07/05/08 Re-wrote the access details for Upper Flood 04/05/08 Added more photo albums and redesigned the photos index page again! 26/04/08 Redesigned the homepage 26/04/08 Added details of the Upper Flood rescue dump 26/04/08 Changes to meets program 08/04/08 Added an index page for photos 08/04/08 Added Russ Porter's Stainsby's Shaft dig photos 15/03/08 Added link to Upper Flood wiki page (wiki created to assist in compiling a description of the new cave) 14/03/08 New favicon created ("cup of tea" icon) 14/03/08 Updated the Upper Flood current digs page 13/03/08 Updated the Access page for Upper Flood Swallet 12/03/08 Updated next monthly meet 12/03/08 Updated link from Beginners page to next Mendip Meet 11/03/08 Tidied up the Sitemap 11/03/08 Added an Error Code 404 page 11/03/08 Added the Yahoo Newsgroup in a frame in Members Section 11/03/08 Updated the members page 11/03/08 Changed the contact page and added a html version of the contact form 05/03/08 Tidied up all the HTML code and validated all pages using Most errors have been corrected but a few remain, mostly connected to use of frames showing YouTube and Flash. Added a consistent footer to each page 21/02/08 Updated index page (length of UFS) 17/02/08 Added AGM Notice to News page 17/02/08 Added pdf version of AGM nomination form to Forms and leaflets page 17/02/08 Added word version of AGM nomination form to Forms and leaflets page 15/02/08 New date for Otter Hole trip in meets 14/02/08 Added info about the Annual Dinner to the Social Events page 14/02/08 Added photos of Golden Chamber to Upper Flood photos page 14/02/08 Added Upper Flood geology page 14/02/08 Updated Logbook page 14/02/08 Minor changes (corrected the date of the October Members Weekend) in Social Events and Caving Meets 23/11/08 Added frame for cottage bookings page 04/02/07 Updated the homepage 23/11/07 Added the Caving blog 19/11/07 Added a copy of Ian McKechnie's m-c-g website 17/11/07 Added the Veterans page 17/11/07 Added the concise History (taken from OccPub) 17/11/07 Updated the Forms and leaflets page
Mendip Caving Group. UK Charity Number 270088. The object of the Group is, for the benefit of the public, the furtherance of all aspects of the exploration, scientific study and conservation of caves and related features. Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 18 years with an interest in the objects of the Group. |