Moving the ACG hut, 1976

The ACG hut was dismantled and rebuilt close by in 1976 in order to clear the site for the MCG cottgae

76 Treework DonS JimF MOC  who JMir GS
1976 Treework Don Searle, Jim Fry, Malcolm Cotter ?? John Miriam Greg Smith

1976 Treework Don Searle, Jim Fry, Malcolm Cotter ?? John Miriam Greg Smith
76 ASp JMac who PeteSp WH
Axgbridge hut before

Axgbridge hut before
76 Ax hut
76 Ready to start
76 Coming down
Starting to dismantle

Starting to dismantle
76 Crane PatW PeteM
76 general view
76 JimFry tractor
76 Start demolish
76 Nearly down1
76 Nearly down2
76 Nearly down3

76 Rebuild JuneW EricD JMir PM WH ++

76 Rebuild SKn
76 Tractor+JimFry+who
76 Tree down
76 Treedown GregS
76 Treework1