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Cottage Games



Cottage Games

The Broom Trick

There is only 1 rule: you must keep hold of the broom handle with both hands at all times.

Begin by holding the broom in front of you, with arms out-stretched and your palms up.

Turn your right hand anti-clockwise 180 degs and at the same time bend your right elbow.

Turn your left hand clockwise 180 degs and at the same time bend your left elbow

Pass the broom over your head so that your are now holding the broom behind you

Step over the broom with your right leg

Pass the broom between your legs over your head until you are holding the broom in front of you with arms outstretched

Pass the broom over your head

Step over the broom with your right leg

step over the broom with your left leg

Hold the broom in front of you with arms outstreched. You should now be at the position you started at

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Page created 18 December 2008, last updated 12 January 2010

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Mendip Caving Group. UK Charity Number 270088. The object of the Group is, for the benefit of the public, the furtherance of all aspects of the exploration, scientific study and conservation of caves and related features. Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 18 years with an interest in the objects of the Group.