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Upper Flood SwalletUpper Flood: DiggingFollowing the major breakthrough in Upper Flood Swallet in September 2006 new discoveries have continued to be found. In all, a total of 57 dig sites have been identified (up to 11/06/13). Some of these have resulted in new passages, some have been dead-ends, and others await further exploration. The table, below, gives a brief description of each dig site. The digs are arranged by the area in which they are located. For each dig, the table shows the name(s) of the original digger(s). The current status of the dig is given followed by a brief description and current state of progress. Please refer to the survey to locate the Areas referred to in the table
Mendip Caving Group. UK Charity Number 270088. The object of the Group is, for the benefit of the public, the furtherance of all aspects of the exploration, scientific study and conservation of caves and related features. Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 18 years with an interest in the objects of the Group. |