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2016 September MCG News 380
Mendip Caving Group - Newsletter archives
This archive (scroll down) has been compiled by Ian McKechnie with the help of Joan Goddard and includes many MCG publications. Ian has scanned the original documents up until MCG News 306 (an extraordinary feat). From issue 307 onwards the newsletters were produced as pdf documents by the Editor and therefore the original electronic versions have been used in this archive
Included in this archive are all News Sheets, Newsletters, Bulletins, Local Newsletters, some Address Lists and some additional documents such as Constitution and Rules and AGM documents
Excluded (at the moment) from this archive are the Log Books, Committee Minutes, Trustees Minutes, Journals and Occasional Publications, some AGM /EGM / HYGM documents and most minutes of meetings unless these were included in a Newsletter for example. However, some Journals and Occasional Publications are already available in the public section of this website and some AGM/EGM documents are are available in the members' area
If you would like to help with the scanning of documents not yet included, please email webmaster@mendipcavinggroup.org.uk
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
MCG have always had a policy of publishing names, addresses, telephone numbers (and more recently email addresses) in the Newsletters. This is a problem when it comes to publishing these documents on the web
To overcome this problem, newsletters are being republished in "web versions" excluding personal details for publishing in the "public" part of this website (here)
The original newsletters (see below) are available to MCG members only and are protected by a username/password which will be changed from time to time. MCG members please note: do not disclose your username or password to anyone
Numbering system
The archive is arranged chronologically from 1954-present
To enable the indexing of the newsletter (which has had different names at different times, but has mostly had a consistent numbering system) issues have been named MCG1, MCG2 (ie disregarding the title "News Sheet" or "Newsletter)
One complication is that the numbering of newsletters began from 1 again in 1961, as News Sheet 1. The first set of newsletters (issues 1-19 from 1954-1960) is known as "Old Series" and all news sheets / newsletters from 1961 are known as "New Series"
The following table should help to explain how the numbering system operates
Documents have been given titles using the format Year-Month-Name
Examples |
Explanation of the numbering system |
1954-02-MCG1 |
MCG Newsletter 1 (Old Series), published February 1954 |
1961-07-MCG1 |
MCG News Sheet 1 (New Series), published July 1961 |
1962-MCG |
Year is 1962 but month is unknown. Not a newsletter so no issue number included |
1963-01-MCG18-19 |
Issue 19 refers to an issue 18 - was it ever published? |
1964-01-MCG23-retype |
Isue 23 retyped by JG as the original is too poor to copy |
1964-08-Dinner |
Letter from Hon.Sec regarding annual dinner etc |
1966-03-Constitution |
Constitution from 1963 |
1988-07-MCG-L1 |
(unofficial) newsletter produced by "local" members |
1988-10-MCG-B1 |
Bulletin number 1 |
1989-04-MCG-AGM |
1989 AGM document |
(Old Series)
(New Series)
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Page created 02 April 2011, last updated 17 Sep 2016


Mendip Caving Group. UK Charity Number 270088. The object of the Group is, for the benefit of the public, the furtherance of all aspects of the exploration, scientific study and conservation of caves and related features. Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 16 years with an interest in the objects of the Group.