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Hidden Earth presentations

(and other slideshows)

These slideshows will autoplay in a new window. Although they are based on Powerpoint presentations, they have been converted to HTML so you do not need Powerpoint to view the slides. However, they do require Internet Explorer. They are not compatible with the Firefox browser

The slideshows will advance automatically, or you can right-click your mouse for other options. At the end of a slideshow, press "Escape" or close the window to return to the index

Hidden Earth 2005 Argentina Lava Tubes

Tim Francis's presentation to the 2008 Volcano Speleology Conference in Korea

Hidden Earth 2005 Argentina 2000-2004

Tim Francis's presentation to Hidden Earth 2005

MCG AGM 2002 Argentina 2002

Tim Francis's presentation to the MCG AGM 2002

Slovenia 2004 Slovenia 2004

Louisa Minahan's Slovenia 2004 presentation to the MCG

Upper Flood Swallet Upper Flood Swallet

Tim Francis's 2007 Upper Flood Swallet presentation

Upper Flood Swallet Upper Flood Swallet

Tim Francis's 2006 Upper Flood Swallet presentation

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Page last updated 27 June 2008

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Mendip Caving Group. UK Charity Number 270088. The object of the Group is, for the benefit of the public, the furtherance of all aspects of the exploration, scientific study and conservation of caves and related features. Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 18 years with an interest in the objects of the Group.