Mendip Caving Group |
Welcome to the MCG web site. Here you'll find information on the MCG and its Mendip caving accommodation. You will find contact addresses, a programme of events, and details of past and present exploration and other activities.
The Mendip Caving Group is an established part of caving on Mendip, and is active both in caving and socially. Its headquarters near Charterhouse-on-Mendip provides comfortable purpose-built caving accommodation for up to 30 people, and is available for use by visiting groups as well as members. Information is given elsewhere in this site on joining the MCG, and on booking the cottage as a visiting group.
On 10th September, a digging party from MCG broke through into hundreds of metres of new passage. For further details, visit the Exploration page.
Caving trips for all abilities. Beginners always welcome.
If you are looking for a friendly and competent group to share your caving trips, we would be pleased to see you. If you have never caved before and would like to try it, come along on one of our beginners' experience days - you will be well looked after. For more details, contact Linda or Bob.
Social Events 2007
Further details here, or contact Linda.
Click on the menu below to enter any page.
MCG Cottage on Mendip | Contacting the MCG |
Social Events | The MCG Committee |
Exploration | Picture Gallery |
Expedition Reports | Song Book |
Caving Meets | Publications |
Links to Other Sites |
Recent Changes Dec 06
Upper Flood breakthrough at Exploration - Upper Flood or here
Did you join the MCG between 1954 and 1964? If so, this will interest you.
The Mendip Caving Group is a registered charity number 270088.
The M.C.G. internet site is published by the Mendip Caving Group, Nordrach Cottage, Blagdon, Bristol BS18 6XW.
Original material © Mendip Caving Group and the Authors, 2000-2006.
This site is best viewed with a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 in at least 256 colours and has been designed to be compatible with Internet Explorer 5 or later. If you have any difficulties with other programs, or have any other comments or suggestions on this site, please email the webmaster.
Page last updated 05-08-07