The MCG has always been actively involved in exploration for new cave passage, on Mendip, in other UK caving areas, and abroad.
The nearest cave to our cottage is Pinetree Pot. The most recent dig was in progress for eight years, and is now suspended.
The dig which has kept us busy the longest, and so far has provided some of the best return in quality and quantity of new passage, is Upper Flood. For many years, activities were concentrated more on conservation, but there was always a great potential for further extension, as the recent discoveries have shown.
Since 1996, a group from MCG and other clubs have been digging in Ogof Draenen, South Wales. These pages reproduce some earlier reports, giving a flavour of the dig.
The group has also been active in digging at Carcass Cave and Roman Rake.
If you would like to get involved in a dig, contact the secretary.
Updated 13-11-06