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Expedition Reports

This page provides an index to reports of MCG expeditions, overseas or UK.

If you have material of your own for inclusion, please read "Notes for Authors" at the foot of this page.

redbutton.gif (5052 bytes) Argentina 2001 A report and photographs from Argentina, 2001, by Tim Francis.
redbutton.gif (5052 bytes) Dachstein 2000 A report and photographs from Dachstein, Austria, August 2000, by Tim Francis.
redbutton.gif (5052 bytes) Rio la Venta 2000 A report and photographs from Rio la Venta, Mexico, April 2000, by Julian Flavell.


Notes for Authors

If you have a report you would like included, please send it to the webmaster. Text should be concise and easy to read, and may be provided in any common computer-readable format such as Word, .txt, .rtf, or HTML. Photographs may be scanned and sent as .jpg files with quality of 30 or better and resolution of at least about 500 pixels (long edge). Alternatively, send prints (smaller than A4) or 35mm negatives or slides for scanning to Ian McKechnie, who will treat them with care and return as soon as possible.

Page last updated 12/09/01