The M.C.G. Songbook
The MCG has been associated with Mendip caving songs for as long as it has been associated with Mendip caving. In the 1950s, '60s and '70s, the singing of bawdy songs in the back room of the Hunters was an important part of the caving scene. This led to the composition of many caving songs, and in 1961 and 1962 the BEC held a Mendip Song Contest. You can find more details, along with the words and music of 37 original songs, in "Alfie's Manuscript Book Of Mendip Cavers' Songs" by Alfie Collins, a copy of which is held in the MCG library.
One of the long-standing links between the MCG and music has been the Velvet Bottom Band. Almost as old as the club itself, the Velvet Bottom Band has provided music for MCG barn dances and other social events right up until the present. A constant figure in the band was Simon Knight; sadly he died on 27th September 2001. It is appropriate that this page should be dedicated to Simon's memory.
The following links will take you to a selection of caving songs.
The M.C.G. Song | Written in 1961 by Pete Goddard, Simon Knight and Pat Walsh, with verses added later to keep up with current events. |
Caving Matilda | An obvious caving version of the familiar song from down-under. |
. | More to come! |