MCG Publications
The MCG produces two regular publications, the Newsletter and the Journal.
The Newsletter is normally published monthly and is distributed by post to all members. It provides current news on club activities, members, and the caving world, and the latest on forthcoming events.
The Journal is published according to need, and provides longer-term information such as expedition reports, cave surveys, historical surveys, and scientific study reports.
Now of course we could say that we have a third regular publication; this web site!
The early Newsletters are being scanned into .pdf format, and as an experiment, some are available here. If you have Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can see them by selecting from the following links:
1982: 151 (3.7MB) 152 (2.8MB) 153 154 155 (1.2MB) 156 157 158 159
1983: 160 (1.3MB) 161 162 163
Please note that these files are quite large, so if you don't have a broadband internet connection, they will take a very, very long time to open.
Back issues of all publications are available for members to read in the library. The following are also available for purchase via the Recorder:
All £2.00 except for Occasional Publication No. 4 at £3.00.
Matthews, P. (ed) (1974) Journal No.5
- Faulting, Belgium, Mines in Devon, Yugoslavia (1967), Czechoslovakia (1968)
Smith, G. and Cox, A. (eds) (1976) Journal No. 6
- Salt mines in Poland, Blackmoor Valley, August Hole, Pollcan - Doolin, Magneto / Capacitor shot firing device, cave conservation, Bone Hole, First tunnel under the Thames.
Pittman, B. (ed) (1982) Journal No. 7
- Nordrach Cottage, Pembrokeshire, West Kingsdale System, Velver Bottom, Upper Flood, Charterhouse rakes, cave photography, cave knots, Bob Speleo.
McKechnie, I. (ed) (1984) Journal No. 8
- Pyrenees, recollections of 1953, caving impressions, Nordrach, Netherwood Swallet, membership history, Bob Speleo, caverns of Yixing.
Hesketh, J. (ed) (1995) Belize '94, Occasional Publication No. 1
- Account of six weeks expedition to San Antonio, Belize.
Rowe, Y. (ed) (1995) Occasional Publication No. 2
- Low voltage halogen bulbs, Czechoslovakia '91, Lechuguila, Coahuilla '94 (Mexico), Battle of Britain Series - Dan-yr-Ogof.
Francis, T. (ed) (1996) MCG en Chartreuse, Occasional Publication No.3
- Account and rigging details of Trou de Glaz to Guiers Mort, Dent de Crolles through trip.
Allison, C. (ed) (1996) Upper Flood, Exploration to 1996, Occasional Publication No.4
- Details the history of MCG digging activity and discoveries at Upper Flood Swallet.
Goatchurch Cavern - £1.20
Longwood / August - £1.50
Pinetree Pot - £1.20 (new extensions - 50p)
Page last updated 10-08-06