Leave the Red Room via the low crawl. After a few metres this starts descending steeply to Split Rock Dig, a short climb down to a very short section of streamway; climb up to the left into Andrew's Grotto.
At the back of the grotto, a route can be followed up and left which eventually returns to the Red Room. The way on to Golden Chamber is through the boulder choke ahead; this is the Aug 2004 breakthrough. Two constrictions lead to a climb up into a low crawl and thence Golden Chamber. Immediately to the left on entering the chamber is a shelf covered in crystals; the chamber also has plenty of straws overhead.
At the back-right, descend beween boulders to a 3m climb down. This leads to a narrow 4m long rift which was passed in May 2006. The rift opens into a roomy passage with a stream entering from a rift to the right. This has been followed upstream to a point very close to the stream last seen in Split Rock Dig. There a several extremely tight constrictions en route and the whole passage is extremely well decorated. As such it should not be entered. Opposite is a narrow rift. This starts off as being well decorated but soon degenerates into a low wet and claustrophic tube. After 3 metres of desperate wriggling the tube pops out into a well decorated grotto. The end closes down at a boulder fall with a sound connection to the upstream passage.
Downstream, the stream sinks to the right after a few metres, and the passage ends in a chamber (now mostly filled with spoil) 14m from the rift. This marks the start of the main boulder choke.
Trips through the main boulder choke into the new reaches of the cave are arduous and tight in parts. Leaders wishing to lead guests on trips beyond The Red Room are strongly recommended to recce the new cave passages with one of the digging team or a leader who has knowledge of the new cave before taking guests. It goes without saying that conservation is of the utmost importance in the new cave passages as in the old cave and extreme caution is needed around the numerous decorations.
The route through the boulder choke mainly follows the solid wall to the right. Go right through a hole into the "3D Squeeze" U-bend, and then climb up in the choke. Pass through a squeeze after a few metres, and climb up to a slumped boulder which is supported (Oct 2006) with an Acro Prop. Pass under the prop, then drop feet first into a slot against the right-hand wall. At the end of the slot drop through the hole onto a large perched boulder.
Climb about 5m down from the boulder, most easily by chimneying down the opposite side to the previous hole; a fixed handling is in place (Oct 2006). At the bottom double back and descend until a turn left leads to a squeeze between a flowstone block and the wall. Immediately after, drop through a second squeeze into a rift between the wall and the boulders. This rift can be followed to a small triangular opening and a short descent to a point where a crawl under levitating boulders to the right leads to the "EasySqueeze", the Sept 2006 breakthrough squeeze.
The breakthrough squeeze is down the slot at the back. Below the squeeze work down between the wall and the boulders for about 5 metres until it is possible to work to the right (with your back to the wall). After a few metres a large black space comes into view; this is the main Blackmoor Master Cave passage. The boulder choke gives way to a boulder slope into the largest section of passage, "Departure Lounge". At the base of the "Departure Lounge", on a large slab, a rescue dump has been placed. This consists of three sealed Daren drums containing a comprehensive survival kit. These should not be opened except in an emergency.
The next 500 metres or so is in mostly in large walking passage or high walking rift. The stream is met at the bottom of the boulder choke, and is followed for the entire length of the passage, with occasional stooping or crawling sections in water. The whole passage is well decorated. The initial part of this is some 12 metres square; the left-hand wall is a continuous 5 metre high flowstone for around 30 metres. There is extensive taping which should be strictly adhered to avoid damaging the formations, which include roof pendants, straws, flowstone, curtains and mud castles.
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Ben Cooper, Main passage photo by Bill Chadwick |
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Ben Cooper, Main passage photo by Bill Chadwick |
At around 250 metres from the boulder choke the stream passage opens out at a large chamber, "Walk the Plank" where a large flowstone cascade comes in from the right. The way on is down a short climb, doubling back under to avoid an exposed traverse. At around 400 metres, a climb on the right leads to Charnel Inlet, and a rope climb to a mud filled passage which is yet to be pushed. About 50 metres beyond Charnel Inlet, follow the right-hand wall along a narrower section to a climb back down to the stream; beyond this the passage continues until it becomes to narrow to continue. This is the end of the Sept 2006 breakthrough.
Shortly before the climb down, it is possible to climb up some 4 metres on the left side of the passage into "Halogen Loft" and traverse to enter the Oct 2006 discoveries. A short muddy section leads to a steep climb over dryer mud to an opening into "Royal Icing Chamber", where several large blocks are capped with pure white clalcite.
Continuing round to the left leads into "East Passage". This is radically different to the main passage, being in solid rock with no formations and a number of static pools. The route crosses several climbs and traverses, and eventually closes down, but a muddy tube in the right-hand wall can be followed into a muddy descending tube. This terminates in sump. Bad air has been experienced throughout this section and warning signs are now in place (November 2006).
Back at "Royal Icing Junction", continue ahead and ascend the taped route over the flowstone. At the top of the ascent, pass a large cubic boulder to a well decorated descent; at the bottom, climbing down leads to a too tight constriction over a mud floor. A bypass is offered by a small roof tube and tricky climb, just back and above the constriction. Beyond is another 50m+ of desending crawl passage over mud and pools. Back on the flowstone ascent, just before the cubic boulder, the main way on is through a taped gap between the right-hand wall and a boulder, to a descent through one of the best decorated parts of the cave, with a fine grotto to the left. At the bottom of the slope duck into the low arch on the left and follow the crawl over firm drier mud.
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Ben Cooper, descent to West Passage photo by Bill Chadwick |
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Grotto, descent to West Passage photo by Bill Chadwick |
The crawl arrives at hole, at the bottom of which is what appears to be a perched sump. A stream can be heared through the rocks just above the sump; this is "Chuckle Choke". Traversing past the hole leads into "West Passage", which continues in an almost straight line (with the exception of a single left-right joggle) for around 150 metres. The passage contains some nice gour dams, and some extremely liquid mud. At the end, the passage turns sharp left and terminates a few metres on, but a low arch to the right gives access to "West End Chamber".
The probable exit from "West End Chamber" is behind the boulder at the right-hand end, the muddy flat-out "95% Percent" crawl. This terminates with some rocks which will need to be removed, however the roof of this crawl has now (Oct 2006) collapsed and will need shoring before any further progress can be made. This section is potentially dangerous and should be treated with extreme caution.
"Neverland" contains possibly the best formations in the currently known cave. Entry into "Neverland" should only be made in clean clothing, either take a change of gear or strip to fleecies and socks. Take extreme care, especially from the entrance to "Neverland" to the crawl into its main passage. Crawl flat out for the first few metres to avoid the formations on the ceiling, then keep to the right to avoid further formations. Continue for about 20 metres past fine formations including cubic crystal encrusted carrots and fist-sized Pom Poms. At the end pass a flat out rocky crawl into a large passage.
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Crystal-Encrusted Carrot and Pom-Poms photo by Tim Francis |
To the right up-slope is "Pork Pie Passage"; wet socks only, no muddy boots. This intitially starts as walking sized and is liberally decorated with formations. Side inlets close down immediately. After 20m the passage appears to close down at a low crawl. This contains gour dams and lakes with snow-white dinner-plate sized islands formed from large crystals rising serveral inches out of the water.
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Pork Pie Passage photo by Tim Francis |
Left, and downslope from the rocky crawl leads down to a fine calcite slope covered in sharp crystals to a series of pools. The route passes numerous flowstone banks and ribbed curtains. An inlet to the left leads down to a crystal clear sump. A small grotto is passed (Take care) until the passage is nearly blocked by a huge active flowstone bank and a solid curtain. It is possible to squirm between the flowstone and the ceiling, regaining large rift passage beyond.
A hole in the floor leads to a lower level but this soon closes down. The hole can be passed by means of a traverse and climb along the left hand side, 20 metre rope needed. A straddle over another hole in the floor leads to a chimney. At the foot of the climb the large walking sized passage is regained. The passage meanders slightly with mud banks underfoot. A small passage down on the left leads to a low crawl. Straight ahead closes down at an unpromising puddle and to the right ends in a blind pit Soon after the low crawl is passed the main passage abruptly stops at an 8 metre pitch. A traverse around the top provides a bypass and easier climb down on the right; rope needed.
Below the pitch passages appear complex but both the right hand and left hand passages unite after 20 metres. Immediately to the left from the pitch soon closes down, and straight ahead enters a rift. This is too tight at a flowstone constriction. The way on to the further reaches is to the right from the pitch and through an uncomfortable muddy duck in the far right hand corner. This pops out into a fine section of walking passage. Around 50 metres of walking ends at an intimidating choke. Promising holes in the roof can be seen, and a sporting climb straight ahead enables access to a pair of large chambers above. The second chamber contains a fine flowstone cascade on the right hand wall. The rift high on the right hand side of the chamber can be climbed for 15m but it pinches out at the top.
The way on from the second chamber is over a jumble of rocks low and on the left. A very low muddy streamlet can be wriggled along for 10m but easier going is soon refound. A short section of walking passage opens out into the largest known chamber in the cave, a 20-25 metre high fault controlled chamber with huge jammed boulders in the roof. The stream appears to sink in a jumble of rocks and mud in the floor and the aven appears to be a very difficult climb.
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Tired Happy Explorers, Nordrach Cottage Tim Francis Doug Harris Mike Richardson Mark Ward Bill Chadwick photo by Louisa Minahan |