Digging Up the Past
This page provides a selection of pictures of "Historical Interest", from various sources. More contributions will be welcomed!
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MCG Cottages
The MCG has had four cottages since its formation in 1954.
The first was a building in Nether Wood next to the lead flues, and was probably built originally by the lead-mining company. The owner wanted to put it to another use and didn't renew the MCG's lease, but his plans came to nothing and the cottage fell into disrepair and was finally demolished.
At the end of the '50s, the MCG was without a cottage for a while. In due course a replacement was found, a wooden ex-army hut which was erected at the rear of Jim Fry's yard at Nordrach. It still exists today (2001), in use by the Frys as a storage shed.
The need for a more permanent base led the MCG in the early 1970s to purchase a small plot of land from Jim Fry and start building a new cottage. This was almost ready for occupation when just before midnight on 31st December 1979 it was destroyed by a gas explosion. After the initial shock, the club regrouped and built an identical replacement, the present cottage, which was opened in 1982.
In the early days of caving on Mendip, music played a prominent part in the evening entertainment. One product of this was the 'Velvet Bottom Band' led by Simon and Val Knight.
Updated 05-10-01