This    page    was    archived    in    Jan    2008;    click    on    this    line    for     the    current    website

Mendip Caving Group

Welcome to the MCG web site. Here you'll find information on the MCG and its Mendip caving accommodation. You will find contact addresses, a programme of events, and details of past and present exploration and other activities.

The Mendip Caving Group is an established part of caving on Mendip, and is active both in caving and socially. Its headquarters near Charterhouse-on-Mendip provides comfortable purpose-built caving accommodation for up to 30 people, and is available for use by visiting groups as well as members. Information is given elsewhere in this site on joining the MCG, and on booking the cottage as a visiting group.

Grotte Casteret 1981

Three heads in water, Pant Mawr

Grotte Casteret, Pyrenees

The Bridge, GB Cave, Mendip

Pant Mawr, South Wales

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Page last updated 24-04-05